Monday, April 16, 2007

Buenos Tardes

Who would think that I would like a play that is what I would consider gross. I had to read the play in class, knowing what would happen and even though it tore at my heart, I loved it all. I ususally don't like reading plays because so many people are coming in and out and there isn't enough scenery or backround knowledge of the charaters, which to me makes it completely confusing. This one had just enough characters in it that it didn't get too confusing and there was just enough information on all of the characters and the scenery, that I truly loved it. But I would recommend that it being read only to those above seventeen or so because of the topics is delves into. I suppose those of you who are curious at to what the play is called should know, though I caution that It is read with permission of an adult. It is called The Love of the Nightingale. I'm sure you can go on the internet to find out what it is about. I'm not about to do that myself just because I have a wide range of ages reading this.

Know I have a question to make. It is the middle of April, correct? Why am I seeing white fluffy stuff falling from the sky onto the ground? This part of the season should be over by now, but no!!!!!!! I still see that snow and I can't take it anymore. I want it to be spring, even though that is not my favorite season either, but it is ten times better than snow in April. And it isn't even really good snow. It is slush from heaven which is snkle thick on the driveway. Yuck!!!! It's like walking through a parking lot out there. I suppose I can live through it, though it might be painful on my part not being able to go outside. I get cabin fever bad, especially if it snows in April.

School I suppose went well today, except for the part where I had to wake up really early in the morning to find myself in snow land. I opened the blinds and groaned. But I got to have a grand old time with my friends Tifiani, Karen and Cassie in my botany class this morning and then afterwards in lab, which is more fun because we can actually talk. Later today I want to get to the library and take back movies that are due tomorrow. Speaking of movies, never ever see Excalibur. It is the most horrid king arthur movie I have ever seen, and let me tell you, I have seen a lot of them. Merlin is a complete wack job, Arthur looks completely wrong in facial appearence, Mordred is the same way to with his facial apperance off. It jumps around in time, and sometimes it is hard to tell what just happened. Just don't watch it.

I suppose to end on a happy note would be nice. The only thing I can think of is that we are going to a friends house tonight for dinner with chocolate pie.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I hate the snow too. I am sick of wearing pants. I want to wear shorts.
