Friday, October 19, 2007

MidTerm Stress

Sarah apparently wanted me to write about how stress out I am. I am. I guess that the only good thing that it good about this is that the second notebook that is due has been put off until the second of November. That makes my studying much better. I only have to study for three tests. I suppose that I will be all right as long as I focus and don't full around.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wheely down the Expressway

Want to hear about a Jackass. Today when I came home from school a guy decided to show off. I was driving and he came on a motorcycle next to me and then passed and went in fron of me. I didn't think of it until her stood up on the bike and pulled the bike up and did a wheely in the middle of the expressway. Of course he went around other cars and looked back to make sure that I was watching. I thought that the trcik was pretty cool, but at that moment in time was thinking "you jerk, do you want to kill your self". I wonder about people like that. Where do they pick that type of behavior from?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Weekend Upcomings

My cold is officially at it end. The hot totties, tea, honey and whiskey, worked really well. Now all that I have to worry about it my nose running. It is quite annoying because it feels like every five minutes I have to blow my nose. I suppose that I could pump myself up with antihisamines, ( not quite sure if I spelled that right) but so far it hasn't been too bad. Yesterday was a bit yucky because my diafram kept spasming and it was hard to breath let alone talk without feeling like I had to cough. But anyway, lets get off this depressing topic and talk about something else. Let's see, well the weather is much better to talk about. It has been nice, warm and sunny. You'd think that with such nice weather that I would be outside in it. Well if that was the case then this blog entry wouldn't exist.

Yesterday when I came home from school I put our upside down scarecrow up. Mom saw this idea in a magazine and we have been doing it ever since. Basically the scarecrow is standing on his hands. I think that it is cool because not many people have one of these. I do notice that may people give us comments on it. Usually it is because we are outside at the moment doing yard work and they happen to be walking by.

Right now there is a guy fixing out dish washer because it had a recall on it. So that would be another reason why I am staying in the house. The other thing that we have to fix is the oven. It decided to break on us. The temperature doesn't work anymore, and as far as I know the oven has to be hot to cook. If I knew those computer signs for smiliy faces, this would be the spot where I would put one. Anyway, dad and I have to put it together some time this weekend. It should be interesting. I like taking things apart.

Tomorrow I am going to ride horses and hopefully Waldo won't be a jerk and try to scare the hell out of me. He made me say some pretty colorful words last week. Sara can atest to that. He is the type of horse that you can spot out right away because while all the other look smart and intelligent, he looks looks lost and confused, not to metion stupid. From what I hear, he tries to more or less drive you crazy when riding him, but he doesn't have the guts to actually get you off of him. I gues that the more I ride him the better I will be in the long run.

Saturday I plan to spend at a friend's house. She just moved in and I am going to help her put stuff into her attic. She can't move around as well as I can and I told her that if she needed anymore help that I could do it on weekends. (Every time I write weekends, I always manage to write 'weed' first, finally knocking off the 'd' to get the word week. Mind you while I have been writing this sentence I didn't do that though.)