Monday, July 30, 2007

Harry Potter

I have finished the new book a few days ago and was so excited because all of the loose ends were tied up, but also sad because now there wouldn't be any more books coming out.

I really liked the part where Harry looks into Snape's memories. I couldn't believe that Dumbledore knew what the outcome would be it Snape killed him. Rowling made Snape seem to be a bad guy, but he was only doing it on Dumbledore's orders. I want to know how Snape could keep up that double agent thing going on. You would think that Voldemort would notice. You also get to see that Snape was a caring person but that part of him was broken when Lily started to move away from him. But yet he still cared for here enough to plege his life to protect Harry, even though Harry stood for all that Snape hated. Rowling just makes Snape seem to have more depth then he did before.

I was also excited to finally read that Ron and Hermine kissed. I had to wait how many years to see that coming. I also had a huge hunch that Harry and Ginny would end up together. They were involved way too much not to be.

And when they are fighting, that was really good. Her descriptions were just enough to see what was going on. I thought that it would be very hard to pretend to be dead. But Harry seemed to manage it very well. Now if Voldemort was as strong as he said he was, wouldn't he be able to tell that Harry wasn't dead? But I suppose that he was so thrilled that he was finally gone that he didn't pay to much attention to the fact that he wasn't. He put his guard down. The only thing I didn't like to much was when Voldemort died. It was just really fast. I figure that because all of the other battles lasted fairly long, that this one would to.

Send me your thoughts on what I talked about or something else that really interested you.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

We're back

We got back today at around 4ish. Sarah came back with us too. She decided not to stay a whole extra week. Nothing else happened the rest of the week. We watched movies and other tv shows. I got some cool clothes from the stores and from grandma. I never have to buy heals ever because I can just get them from her. I got four new pairs and I will have to show everyone. I probably have already told most people this in the last post, but I guess everyone will have to hear it again.

Tomorrow vbs starts and I will have to get up early for an entire week, just like I was going to school. I don't relish the thought. But I get to eat food and stay outside. That can't be that bad. It is only for the morning anyway so that won't be so bad. But of course, we have to pick up afterwards, so we might be there a little longer but that is part of the job. Maybe if it is hot enough we might be able to go swimming at Mimi's pool. That would be fun.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I guess that I am a blabber mouth. And another thing, I have just realized how eminem has a really bad mouth. Just listen to The real slim shaddy. His mouth needs to be washed out with soap.

Sexy Witch (Ohio trip)

We are in Wapokaneta, Ohio. It is about one hour east of the capital columbus. We are staying at our great aunt and uncles house. So far I've gotten to watch more tv on channels that we can't get and I have read more non stop than I would have at home. I have also started a water melon ponch as well.

So far it has been unbareable hot here. Just today it has actually gotten cool enough to open the windows or to even sit outside. Today I have mostly read and I am almost down with the book, but I needed a break so I decided to write something while I have a computer.

Let see, when we left on friday we got to grandma's house at about threeish, and had lasana. ( I know that that is not how it is spelled, but I am too lazy right now to get a dictionary to correct it.) We saw uncle craig and on saturday uncle david came. He had been in Iraq for three years. He has been home for about a year now. He showed us pictures and some things that he brought back. They were really cool.

Sunday we left for Wapok and Sarah had her last day of fun because this week and next week she will be working for the family florist. She is haveing fun which is good, but it is really weird not seeing her during the day except for lunch. Which means that Katie and I have been annoying each other.

Monday Katie and I went swimming, when she got creeped out by a foursome of older teens. One of which looked like wade's reencarnate and the other the sideburn guy from sarah's school. I enjoyed laughing at her because she was acting funny. We only stayed an hour because we forgot the sunscreen. Luckily on the walk back, I didn't get fully dried because then it would have been just as hot as it was when we walked over there. The library is also within walking distance and we have gotten movies from there too.

Tuesday we watched this movie on the disney channel called the thirteenth year. I had seen the comercials for the movie and Katie being just her lovely self said that the movie looked stupid. And by the end of the movie she said that it wasn't as stupid as "we" thought. To which dad said and stupid as who thought. I have also found out that I like the tv show called life with dereck. That show reminds me way to much of me and my sisters which in some ways is disturbing and others not so much. Dereck is more of a pain in the neck than I am. Now that shows something, and when he acts out of character it is really funny.

Today is wednesday I believe. For some reason Katie is throughly annoyed at the boys that live in the neighborhood and hang out in the lot behind the house. They like to talk to girls in words with honey and funny things like that. Of course when Katie glares at them and tries to do anything strange like that it just makes them do it more. Boys are weird. Anyway I told her that the best way to deal with that is to just ignore them because what they really want is your attention. I had more fun laughing at her than the guys who were trying to get our attention. Good thing that I am older than all of them and I have to notion to just smile and ignore them when they decide to say anything to us. I truly wonder sometimes if guys really have ever seen girls because they act really strange around them when they are that little. I think that they just want to be pests.

We are living here on saturday and going back to grandma's house before we got home. I got really cool shoes from grandma that I can't wait to wear. I have these wicked purple heals that would look great with a witches dress. I have an idea in my head, but I think that I will do is sometime in future halloweens because I have all ready bought a pattern for this year. But I could always make two costumes and wear the more normal on around when ever and the witch one on halloween. We shall see. The purple shoes would only work in my mind with a short skirt. For some reason the only way I can think of describing the dress would be a sexy witch, but that really isn't it. Maybe if I could find a pattern then I would be able to describe it better.

Oh lucie, while I have been here, I have gotten some ideas for my story. I haven't done much but brainstorming the ideas that I have picked up from the tv and my dreams. I figured out that I probably should do much with the story because I don't have the whole thing because it is on the computer at home. I might accidently write something that doesn't make sense, so I will wait until I am home before I write it on the blog.

The amount of time that I don't use reading is lookinag out the window to see who is coming by on bikes or in the cars. So far there is a couple of boys that might work at the pool because I see them come down the street and got back up a similar times each day. One of them is drop dead gorgeous with his orangish blond hair. I couldn't help but follow them with my eyes as they biked down the street and out of my vision. Maybe I will be lucky and catch them coming back.

If sara is reading this then we have to talk when I get back because I have had, well how shall I put this, but a unusual experience with my new code word Dymicode. I think that I will leave it at that and if you read this your excitement will be up and I will drive you off the edge of curiocity. He, he I am really evil arn't I.

I hope this blog greets everyone in good time and give you all a bit of laughter. see you when I get back.


Friday, July 6, 2007

I really Tried

I really tried to write more of my story, but we had so many things to do to get ready, and by the time I was done, it was 11 at night. I needed sleep. I am going to bring the story though, and write more while I am there in ohio. Sorry readers. So now I have to write and extra good story.
