Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Day of April

Tomorrow will be the start of a new month. My birthday month. It will be also the last year where I can be a teenager, because next may I will be 20. I still think that it is hard to believe that I am almost two decades old. when I was younger I wanted to be older so fast. Now I just wish that I could get younger. Funny how that it is. Maybe that phrase the youth is wasted on the young true.

Today was glorious even if the wind did make the temperature seem colder. In Botany this morning, we were outside looking at the different plants that were around campus. Then we went back into the woods. We would have probably went farther if we all had mucking around boots on. I got to see many trees and plants identified, though I wouldn't be able to tell you what they were unless I had years of sudying. I did learn one thing that I thought was cool. The red berry like things on the maple trees that many people think that are bud, are actually the flower of the tree. So that means that all of the maples in out backyard have flowers. My professor said that they have an orange pistol in the center of them. It makes me curious enough to go outside to look. We also saw Mayberries (I think) or Mandrakes (the name I actually remember), which they are called because when you dig the roots up they look like a man. Of course then I thought of Harry Potter, but the mandrakes in the movie didn't look like the ones that we saw in the woods. What I thought was also interesting about these plants is that when they are in season, they are eatable, but latter on they are not. Apparently when a plant produces seeds, than it is eatable.

Yesterday the front and side grass got tall enough for me to mow the lawn. In some was it was pleasant because I love the scent of freshly cut grass, but my nose doesn't. I was sneezing a bit more than I normally do afterward. I'm like my dad in that retrospect. I got to curse the dandelions as I ran them over and cut them to pieces. Maybe it I left them and then got the weed popper, I could have pulled them up. But of course, I had done weeding all afternoon and I was done with it for the day. If you don't have a huge garden, then you don't understand how much work it is to keep in in tip top shape. I think my back is still sore from leaning over for so long.

The tulips are opening, but there isn't as many as we thought because the d@*$ deer have eaten the tops off. Once that happens, then there is no hope left for the plant to grow another flower. Evil deer. They should be exterminated from my gardens. I call them my gardens even though they are not really mine. I notice I do that to the car when I am driving it. Anyway next year dad and I are going to try something different to keep the deer out, and hopefully that works.

The plum tree, in our front yard, that sits in front of the swing on the porch, is coming into bloom. So the marron leaves will be hidden amonst the cherry like flowers that attract the bees. Which means that sitting on the swing may bring certain death to the kamikaze bees who like to dive bomb you if you get to close to their precious tree. But of course with the bee population keeling over due to who knows what, that might not be such a big problem for people, but for everthing else it might. Hand pollination might occur more often than normal. Ah ha! I did think of one reason why it might hurt humans, less bee barf (honey). Dad told me that it was bee barf and even since then that is what I call honey. It is kind of gross, and I might have made some people grossed out enough that they won't eat it. But that is their problem not mine. They are the ones who decided to read this post.

Enjoy the Sun,

Friday, April 27, 2007

Grey Day With Rain

I finished an essay today. It is my last essay for history and I never have to write one for that class again. Yes!!!!!!!! Now I just have to write two more for english and then I will be done for the semester.

Lucie will be happy because I have time tonight to type my story into appleworks before I copy it into another post. But the only thing, is when I finish typing what I have written, then I will have to think of more because when I stopped writing, I never finished my story.

I fond some interesting youtube videos that I watched today. I found the BackStreet Boys, Anime clips, and Harry Potter ones. Then I just watched some of the Naruto videos on youtube. But what is so frustrating with them is that the english subtitles are not written in black. They are in white with black outline which makes them really hard to read. So I think I missed parts of it. I think though that it didn't make much of a difference.

I hope everyone else had a better and more exciting day than I did. I think thatthe sun did help to keep me from being depressed. Then the rain came and all I could do was complain. I want the sun without the rain. I haven't been able to go outside for a few days and I am getting cabin fever. I'm driving myself crazy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm a dragon freak. At least a certain someone thinks so. Now I don't know what I'm going to write. Its pathetic because I always have a mouthful to say or more. But I'm lost for words, at least ones that I could write down here with a certain someone looking over my shoulder, who is reading this at the moment that I am writing this. So my lips are sealed. For now...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Love Has Blossomed Into Something New

Love has blossomed into something new.
It has become a flower and it is opening up,
a bird ready for flight.
Love has changed this heart of stone into a baby's laugh.

Once was broken, now has healed.
Red petals see first light,
Wings have spread ready to fly,
Love has blossomed


Hero's is finally back on tv. Oh yeah! Last night episode was awesome and now I can't wait until next monday. Now I have one more show to watch on tv. Hero's and Smallville are my two favorite to watch.

I always thought that it would be fun to be a hero when I was younger, but then after I read many books and watched my shows and movies, I found myself not liking the idea of being a hero. Just think about all the stress that you would have to deal with all the time; saving people, keeping theives at bay, saving the earth, and of course trying to keep your family alive from the villians who want to cut you down. No thank you, I'll stay a normal person. But if I could have any power in the world I would like the power to regenerate or to heal. Those I think would be the best gifts to have. Think about all the people you could save and heal. Cancer for instance. I could have saved my mom if I had that power.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Soldering Copper Pipes

This weekend was so beautiful! I'm so glad that the weather finally got warm enough to wear shorts and no jackets to accompany them. I think that even though this weather is wonderful and has lasted for a few days, it will apparently get cooler with rain. Now I only found out about this from the morning news. I hope that the weather will pass us by so I can have more warmer weather.

The only remotely interesting thing that happened this weekend, was that I got to learn how to solder copper pipes together. I didn't actually do it myself, dad did, but if I had to do it, I think I would be able to do it again. Our water pipes that we use to get water on the outside of the house were leaking, to start off with. It was the back faucet that wasn't keeping its seal. The gasket was either broken or too hard to hold the water. Dad and I pulled off the gypsum board off and had to trun off electricity to get to the wall where we could pull off the insolation and get to the faucet. The most annoying part was trying to pull and twist the faucet off while dad was using a blow torch to heat the solder off. Of course we had to solder new copper together and put it all back together. The next thing was the pipes in the garage that hook up to the faucet on the garage burst at the seems. dad found the first one and got it fixed, but when another on was found we just got a new pipe. So now we have to wait until tomorrow until we can put it together because we have to get another faucet, and the place where my dad got it at isn't open on sundays. All of this just to be able to use the water faucets and then the hoses to water the gardens. That is all have been doing all weekend besides running he and there grabbing tools dad needed. Man I was do beat by the end of the day on saturday that I thought that I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning for church.

If any of you astronomy lookers saw the moon this weekend, I think you would agree with me in the fact that it was beautiful. I really thought that It was absolutly gorgeous. Venus was also up in the sky according to dad. I know from past experieces that Venus is very bright.

I hope that after I turn in this paper that I will have time to type in the rest of my story. I haven't done it in awhile and I'm sure Lucie wants to know what is going to happen next. I just hope that this fix up will be okay and get a good grade. I did everything that my teacher said that I should, so I'll just pray that I have the right words.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Here comes the Sun

The sun has finally come. Yippy! It is finally warm enough to wear skirts and to be able to be outside on the swing. I did that yesterday while listening to my ipod. It felt great. I sung at the top of my lungs and I didn't care who heard me, first off because I wouldn't be able to hear them myself.

May is comming, my birthday month. I'm going to be 19, which to me is kinda scary. It is my last year that I am a teenager. It's kind of freaky. When I was little, I thought that I would never get that old. I never thought that it would happen, but now that it has, I want to be little again in some ways. I still wish that I could stay the same age I am now forever.

I just finished watching the very last episode of Samurai Champlooon It was a awesome series and I am kinda of disapointed that it had to end. I knew that is was getting close to the end, but I didn't want it to. At least the ending didn't end the way that I thought it would. I think it had morals or something along those lines, but it is one of those things that you have to watch for yourself to understnad them. What I enjoyed the most about it was that all of the three main characters put together were like the perfect person. When they were apart it seemed as if the were less of who they were than when they were together. Fuu is the loud mouth. She is worst than I am, Jin is the silent type that only says things when he needs to, and Mugan is just a badass who like to swear at whatever but not all the time which is nice. I think though that if he wasn't the way he was than there wouldn't be a point to his characters. The other part that I really liked was the sword fighting. It was totally awesome. Now that it is gone, I have to find something else to watch.

Have fun in the Sun!

Monday, April 16, 2007


Buenos Tardes

Who would think that I would like a play that is what I would consider gross. I had to read the play in class, knowing what would happen and even though it tore at my heart, I loved it all. I ususally don't like reading plays because so many people are coming in and out and there isn't enough scenery or backround knowledge of the charaters, which to me makes it completely confusing. This one had just enough characters in it that it didn't get too confusing and there was just enough information on all of the characters and the scenery, that I truly loved it. But I would recommend that it being read only to those above seventeen or so because of the topics is delves into. I suppose those of you who are curious at to what the play is called should know, though I caution that It is read with permission of an adult. It is called The Love of the Nightingale. I'm sure you can go on the internet to find out what it is about. I'm not about to do that myself just because I have a wide range of ages reading this.

Know I have a question to make. It is the middle of April, correct? Why am I seeing white fluffy stuff falling from the sky onto the ground? This part of the season should be over by now, but no!!!!!!! I still see that snow and I can't take it anymore. I want it to be spring, even though that is not my favorite season either, but it is ten times better than snow in April. And it isn't even really good snow. It is slush from heaven which is snkle thick on the driveway. Yuck!!!! It's like walking through a parking lot out there. I suppose I can live through it, though it might be painful on my part not being able to go outside. I get cabin fever bad, especially if it snows in April.

School I suppose went well today, except for the part where I had to wake up really early in the morning to find myself in snow land. I opened the blinds and groaned. But I got to have a grand old time with my friends Tifiani, Karen and Cassie in my botany class this morning and then afterwards in lab, which is more fun because we can actually talk. Later today I want to get to the library and take back movies that are due tomorrow. Speaking of movies, never ever see Excalibur. It is the most horrid king arthur movie I have ever seen, and let me tell you, I have seen a lot of them. Merlin is a complete wack job, Arthur looks completely wrong in facial appearence, Mordred is the same way to with his facial apperance off. It jumps around in time, and sometimes it is hard to tell what just happened. Just don't watch it.

I suppose to end on a happy note would be nice. The only thing I can think of is that we are going to a friends house tonight for dinner with chocolate pie.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hola Para Me

Hi all,

Nothing much has gone on today. I had to rewrite my essay for english class and I did that from noon til now and 2:15. I hope that my teacher will like it better than my first one. Now that I know what to expect, maybe my other ones in the future won't be so bad. The only other thing that I did today was study for my test in Botany. I want to get a better grade than I did on my last one.

It is kind of a slow day. The rain doesn't help at all. I think that is what makes it a slow day. All I really want to do is curl up and go to sleep or read a book. I don't want to study at all, but I don't really have that choice. I suppose though that the rain is better than the snow that we were suppose to get. I just keep praying that the low clouds stay low because they make the humidity up, which will keep the snow out.

A Chickadee has decided to delight me with its presence on my bird feeder. He is so cute, pecking away at his seed. You know what I think is funny? Chickadees are very picky. From observance at the bird feeder and at Menden Ponds Park on the bird trail, Chickadees are picky on their food. The will go through several seeds until they find the one that they want. They remind me of a few picky eaters that I know.

Monday is an evil day, because I have to wake up at 6:30 to go to school. And Sara, if you read this I know you said I shouldn't grip because I get to sleep in a whole hour more than you. But I still have to complain about it. I'm not ready yet to got back to school. The week off has spoiled me with the luxury of not having to do anything at all. This is why I would find it for myself to have a day, just once a week where I didn't have to do anything, than I would still have my school sleeping groove all set, and I could have a day of peace too. I shouldn't complain to much. I usually get back home at 12:30. I will really hate it next semester because I will be at school from 8 til 5 because of that stupid Physical Geography Lab. If I didn't have that, then I would be going home at 2. That means that I will probably have to drive myself to school next semester. Oh well.

I suppose until I have more interesting things to say or I have time to write more of my story, this is all until a later date.

Adios Amigos

Thursday, April 12, 2007


We went to sunday mass at 11. Dad and I sang and got sprinkle when we sang resurection people. Then we had friends over for dinner. Of course we got sweets to munch on. Other than that I think the day was just busy running here and there. Because we went to the later mass, my whole day was backwards or more or less shifted. But at least the ham was good.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


In ancient times, four crystals were created by the god Clessifer. They were used to create life; on to make earth and its plants, animals and people. The second for making fire and to be used for light. The third to create water on the land, to make seas and oceans, finally creating sea life. The fourth was made to create air for the people and animals to breath.
But then diseas came and began to destroy life. Giants came to kill, evil corrupted absolutly leaving people living in fear.
So a fifth crystal was created to destoy all evil. But th gods couldn’t come down from the heavens to weild its power. Only a human could.
But the crystal itself was too powerful to let humans use. Many died when the gods asked them to.
The gods needed to create an ultimate human who could withstand the power of the crystal. The gods created five wizards to control all the crystals hoping that they would be able to save the world.
The wizards did in turn save the land, but when all was done they still wanted the power that they once had. So they stole the crystals and changed their names to Kaw, Craven, Jabba, Mayvo, and Garados.
But the gods cought wind of their plans and stopped them by sending and angel. The angel came down and one by one defeated the wizards, in turn collecting the crystals. When defeated them all, she was rewarded by becoming the bearer of them all until she could find four others.
No one on earth knew her name or where she came from, but they respected her. On her travels she became friends with many people. Through each person she learned many things; how to love, trust, respect, and to be in peace. By knowing the people, she was able to pick out a bearer for each crystal. One from the elven land, the bearer of earth. One from the philosopher and theologian race; the Zargon the learned, the bearer of fire. One from Castile; the enchanted folk, the bearer of water. One from Jarna; the air born people of the sky, the bearer of air. But in doing so she became earth bound.
No longer could she fly in the heavens and ride the clouds. She was forever to stay on earth until another head guardian was found.
She lived in peace for a long time with the guardians, but because she was immortal she watched them die until she was the only one left.
But staying on earth until a new head guardian was bron was like a curse to her. How would she be able to find ones worthy of such honor?
Many years went by. She stll searched, but couldn’t find anyone worthy of becoming a head guardian. But traveling around in search of a guardian gave her a great joy that would never have happened if she was in the heavens.

Love, she fell in love with a halfling. He was half elf and half human. She met him in the Forest of Ganar. He had been hunting when he fell in a hole, twisting his ankle. She saw hi hobbling, leaning on the trees, wincing in pain. So she went over to him.
“You need help,” she said in a calm voice.
“I agree. If you take me to the edge of the forest, I will be able to get my horse.
“I can heal you now if you wish,”
“Please,” he said wincing again.
“Ahbe rume tebe labene,” she uttered softly. An orangish light appeared from her hands and flowed around his ankle, finally sinking into his skin. “There, that should do it,” she said.
“Thankyou,” he said. “How may I pay you?” he asked.
“No need,”
“But there must be something. I know, I will take you to the elven city. We will be celebrating the coming of spring. If you’ve never seen an elven festival this will be a treat,”
“I’d be delighted,” she said.
So he took her to the elven realm where she began to fall in love with him.
It wasn’t long until she had her first child. They moved aay from his homeland, living on a farm near woods. The child grew to be a strong girl. It seemed like everything was perfect.

They spell didn’t destroy Garados. It only prevented him from being able to be in a life form. Being sent to the graceyard left him with only a spirit to move around. So secretly he escaped hoping to be able to pass as a life form.

Even though they had everything they wanted, Lessionia and Gebri were far from having everything perfect. Lessionia loved Gebri with all her heart, but she couldn’t trust him with her secret, and Gebri didn’t like it. He knew that their was something about her from the very begining, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Lessionia saw how he drew away from her each day and she couldn’t stand to live without his touch and love. So she brought out the crystals. The minute that he saw them, Gebri began to plot on how he could obtain that power. That was when Garados came to him.
Garados knew that Gebri was power hungry so he devised a plan. Possesing Gebri was easy for he had a weak mind, but trying to convince Lessionia to give him the crystals was another matter.
Lessionia became suspicious about Genri when he constently talked about the crystals. But by the time she figures out what had happened, it was too late. Gebri was corrupted by the evil and she had to kill him.
In looking through her readings, Lessionia remembered that therre was a way to exterminate the evil inside a person when they became possesed, but to do so she would need to find a blue elixer of pilk. Pilk was pus from a ooze and slime, a cheatal hair mixed with a frog leg counter clockwise. All Lessionis had to do was give Gebri a drink of it and the evil would be gone. So leaving her child in the care of her family, she set out to find a blue elixer of pilk.
The blue elixer of pilk was a very rare and only made by the people of the Creetah Pass; a tall mountain range in the south. People of the Creetah Pass loved shiny objects. They would make mirrors out of the shiny metal that was found in the mountains. Their mirrors were well known for showing the handler their true desires. But once you began seeing your true desires you wnated more of them until you became utterly greedy.
Lessionia brought her grandmother’s mirror to trade for the elixer. She didn’t want to because it was the most precious thing she owned. But what else could she do? She had to get the evil out before it took complete control over Gebri.
Lessionia recked through the valleys, swamps and flood plains to the southern mountains. Once she entered the mountain range the Creetah Pass was just about a mile inside.
The snow blew and began to pile up causing drifs that moved making ti hard to walk. Wind blew off her hood ans she had to hold onto it to keep it from coming off. She needed to find shelter soon or the cold would kill her.
Then a light. It shown through the snow. Lessionia hurried as fast as she could through the drifts, but the light seemed to get farther away. Lessionia stumbled through. Her stride getting slower and slower. Her eyes began to droop and she forgot about how cold she was. All she could think about was going to sleep.
Lessionia woke up with her ankles and wrists manacled. She couldn’t see very well, but she could feel them chafting. The foggyness left her eyes, leaving vertigo. All the room did was spin and spin. Lessionia flopped over onto her backside groaning. She had a huge bruise on her hip.
Someone came into the room, but she was unclear because of the spinning. A sharp pain ran through her arm ans she grew tired, falling asleep once again.
The second time she awoke, she was well to understand that she was in a cell. Sitting up Lessionia took look at her surroundings.
A small bared window opened up to the sky, but when she managed to look out of it, all she could see was the ground below and the mountain range beyond. Slowly her grasp slipped and she fell scraping her arm down the brick, stone wall.
Then the wooden door rattled. Someone was opening the lock. The door opened and gave way to a tall bald jailer.

“Get up,” he siad in a gruff voice. But when Lessionia didn’t respond, he came in and picked her up by the collar. “I said get up,” he said to her face. His breath smelt of sour whiskey. He let her down and Lessionia hobbled out of the cell. Her chains rattled as she walked down the long hallway. People cried out to her as she passed. The guard smacked them back telling them to ‘shut up’. Leesionia kept her head straight and her face motionless. It kept the guard’s mind on the others because she wasn’t causing any trouble./
The guard led her down an ill lite hallway that was only lit at the end, which gave the hallway eerie shadows on the walls. At the end was a door. The guard opened the door pushing her through and locking it from behind.
The room was like a hall unto itself. The only light came from the center where a chair sat, backed turned. The manacle around her wrists were taken off.
“What do you want,” a hollow voice said from the chair.
“I’m not sure to waht you mean?” Lessionia said.
“You want something that I can give,” the voice said.
Lessionia thought for a moment.
“You want to know what is going on and where your crystals are,” Lessionia immediately put her hand to her neck. All the crystals were gone. “I have them,” the voice said hanging his hand over the chair arm. The five crystal dangled there on their chains.
“How did you ge them?” There was a pause.
“You were vulnerable. I can take anything from one who is vulnerable. It is my nature to take from those who cannot protect themselves,”
“What do you want from me?
“You know where Garados is and you know how to retrieve him,” He tossed to crystals to her. “Bring me Garados and you shall live, otherwise you will be killed,”
“You cannot kill me,” Silence again.
“You will bring me Garados or your daughter will die,” Lessionia’s heart caught in her throat.
“As you wish,”Lessionia managed to utter.
“I have to blue elixer of pilk. Go back and save your husband, but then come back with Garados,” The door opened and the guard came back again. This time he led her out of the place and outside.
Lessionia came back to her house to find it a mess. Gebri was gone. A note on the table was all he left saying that he was going after their child.
Lessionia hurried to her parents house not knowing what she’d find. She prayed to the gods that nothing happened to her parents or her child.
When she got to her parents house, she found them sitting on the front porch. Her mother was peeling potatoes and her father was snapping peas.
“Lessi, we didn’t expect you to come hoe so soon,”
“Where’s Kel?”
“She’s inside,” Lessionia dashed inside to find Kel inside playing on the rug. Lessionia scooped her up and cradled her.
“Oh Gebri, your just in time,” she heard her mother say. “She is inside with Kel,”
Lessionia fled the room and out the back. Then she ran down the path which led up the mountain side. She had to find a place to hide.
She reached the escape tunnel and dived into it with Kel, closing tht door behind the tow of them. Then she began running through the tunnel. A scraping of wood ans stone brought her worst fear.
“Lessi, I know that your in here. Just give me Kel and nothing will happen. Garados needs Kel to use the crystals, and I know how to get them. All I have to do is call them,” Lessionia kept running even as he said those words. Suddenly she felt the crystals trying to break free from her grasps. Lessionia concentrated hard, keeping to stay close to her. She stopped when she was far ahead leaving Kel behind a rock hanging. A few feet ahead she stood waitging for Genri.
“So the maiden has decided to listen,” Closing his eyes, Gebri began to chant something under his breath. The crystals again began to rise up off of Lessionia’s chest.
“Convolsion,” Lessionia shouted. Gebri was caught off guard and began to twitch as he fell to the ground. Lessionia found the elixer and quickly gave some to Gebri who silenced once it entered his stream.
“Gebri, its me Lessi,” she said when his eyes opened.
“Lessi, I’ll love you forever,” he said giving her one last kiss. A whoosing sound rang out and a floating blob appeared above Gebri’s head.
“You’re too late. The elixer was too late. Once he wakes up he will still be my minion,” Then Garados spirit disapeard. Gebri began to stir.
“Give me Kel now,” Gebri shouted almost strangling Lessionia as she bent over him.
“No!” Lessionia shouted back to him. Using th crystals she slammed Gebri into a rock wall. She ran to pick up Kel and continued running down the path.
“I’ll find her Lessi. I’ll find Kel,” his voice echoed off the walls, “ and when I do, she’ll die,”
Lessionia continued to run until her legs burned. Then she collasped on the other entrance with Kel in her arms five miles from her parents house.
Lessionia hid herself from Gebri and the other man who wnated Garados. She didn’t want them to find Kel or the crystals. Gebri was dead to her now. She had been too late to save him. The evil consumed him and corrupted him to the darkness. She would never be able to be with him again. And with all that went. Lessionia forgot about capturing Garados to the strange man that captured her once before.

Evil Snow

It is april for heavens sake. There isn't suppose to be snow. It is not suppose to be twenty degrees outside. I am not suppose to freeze my butt off! Go away snow! I want spring. First the flowers get eaten and now the snow comes and freezes. Old man winter doesn't want to give up yet. I want to be able to walk barefoot on warm grass and run around in the sun. I don't want to have to stay inside and wear slippers because my feet get cold. I would love to invent something to take this snow away, but I suppose if I do that then the ground wouldn't get water and we need water. (grumble, grumble)

Do you know what is the most aggravating, when you lose your train of thought. I hate that, which is why I am complaining about it because I had something to say and now it is gone.

Okay, now I am going to write something positive one here. I guess I can start off with my day, though nothng exciting ever happened. I did my normal, went to my classes and hung out with my friends. The only thing different was that I brought the computer to school, and Leah and I watched Howl's moving castle. And by the way, if I haven't said this yet, Howl is drop dead gorgeous. Yes I know he is an animation, but he still is cute. The best thing is that his voice is of one of my favorite cuties, Christian Bale. ( and yes I know he is thirty years old, but I don't care. His accent is way too sexy not to. If you feel uncomfortable don't read this line.) Sarah has to be a pain and is critiquing me by making fun of that previous line. She is so mean. I don't do that to her. Here I go again and start complaining. Maybe I should make a vow not to complain for more than one time on here, that way I won't drive everyone else crazy. I am practically driving myself crazy right now.

I wish it was warmer and that there wasn't a cloud cover because then I could go out and look at the stars. They are so beautiful. But of course it is a really rare day to be able to see the stars because Rochester is the second most cloudiest state in the country. Go figure. Washington state is the first. I also think that Rochester is the third or fourth rainiest city in the country. That just makes it more depressing to be here, well at least for those who are used to sun and warmth for most of the year.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The original hamster dance

Sun Shine Rises Again

I so happy that the sun is out now. All morning and afternoon it was raining like crazy, not to mention that it looked like night out because it was so dark. I think it even thundered at MCC. But now the sun is out and I am blissful. But what is not so blissful is that there is a strong chance that it will be in the thirties this week which mean that the egg hunt won't be able to happen outside because it will be too cold. There is also going to be snow. I hope that doesn't happen. Maybe in a few weeks it will be warm. I hope, I hope.

Yesterday I looked out the window and say all the spring flowers. I looked out again and those damn deer ate them all. If I get my hands on the deer that is doing that, I'm going to wring its neck. I get fed up with them. They just eat and eat, having no consideration on the people who spend a good hard time planting those flowers. They all should be turned into deer jerky. ( Well at least just the ones who come into my garden) I suppose we can put a fishing line fence around the garden and that should keep them out because it has worked before, but I don't wnat to do that because it is cold outside and it is kind of hard to tie the fishing line in bare hads let alone gloves. I guess I am being a complainer again. One of my top specialities.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


My Issue With Salisbury Steak (He, he, he, I am a Pest)

Whoever invented saisbury steak has named it inappropriately, because it is really hambuger in disguise. It becomes incorporated with other things, but it isn't steak. Someone should change its name, but don't let it be me, because I would probably give it a bad name, or one that is extremely funny.

Guys beeping at girls in cars are stupid because they scare you half to death. Don't they take into consideration that they might actually kill you?

Sarah is crazy when she laughs and has no control over anything which means I can keep her from moving. He, he, he, I am a pest.

Did you know that that people are a pain in the butt, (including me) especially Sarah, who says I am for tackling her. He, he, he, I am a pest.
Sarah is violent when she found that out about this and tried to kill me with poster board paper. Katie scared Sarah because Sarah ran past her too fast when she went down the stairs. That was funny.He, he, he, I am a pest.

Sarah suggest that I talk about the Pesterhood, but what else can one say about it. I t basically tells you what I do. For I am the Sorcerer of the Pesterhood.

Sarah is weird! After talking in a unusual voice by constricting her vocal cords.

Because I feel Like It!

People, I'm going to say this because I feel like it. Everyone should write more so than I can read different blog messages instead of the same ones for three days in a row. Leah and I are laughing over this because we feel like it. I think there is something wrong when people just write things because they feel like it. Like me. I'm not quite sane at this point in time I guess, which is why I am writing this because I feel like it.

I'm trying to find somethign to else to write about because I feel like it. Leah said that I should write about the dude on the chalk board. Well actually it isn't a dude, it is suppose to be a charactature of killroy, but I changed it to me. It is a possiblility that when the americans were fighting in the world war, that where ever they went, they would write a sign, (it was probably one guy who started it and then a bunch just did it) Killroy was here. I did the same thing except my character has glasses and says that Alex was here. And I wrote this all because I felt like it. That is my theme of the day "Because I feel like it"

Now I have nothing to say and I am going to go because I feel like it.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Mega Moron Awards

I went back to the joke website and found these. Get yourlaughs for the day. My favorite one is the first one.

Kentucky: Two men tried to pull the front off a cash machine by running a chain from the machine to the bumper of their pickup truck. Instead of pulling the front panel off the machine, though, they pulled the bumper off their truck. Scared, they left the scene and drove home. With the chain still attached to the machine. With their bumper still attached to the chain. With their vehicle's license plate still attached to the bumper.

Louisiana: A man walked into a Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer? Fifteen dollars. [If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, was a crime committed?]

Arkansas: Seems this guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. Seems the liquor store window was made of Plexi-Glass. The whole event was caught on videotape.

Ann Arbor:The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 12:50am, flashed a gun and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.

Nervousness and a Joke

I think that my teacher might give us our essay back tomorrow. I'm so nervous. I hate turning in the first essay because I never know how the teacher wants it. If my homework is is getting grades, then I think that the essay will too. I just have to think possitive. But sometimes that it is hard to do.

I keep looking on everyones blogs, but no one is updating. I want to hear about other peoples lives not just my own complicated one. But I suppose I can wait until that day comes when there is new blogs.

I found this joke and thought some people might enjoy it.

What is intelligence?

Two men were digging a ditch on a very hot day. One said to the other, "Why are we down in this hole digging a ditch when our boss is standing up there in the shade of a tree?" "I don't know," responded the other. "I'll ask him."

So he climbed out of the hole and went to his boss. "Why are we digging in the hot sun and you're standing in the shade?" "Intelligence," the boss said. "What do you mean, �intelligence'?"

The boss said, "Well, I'll show you. I'll put my hand on this tree and I want you to hit it with your fist as hard as you can." The ditch digger took a mighty swing and tried to hit the boss' hand. The boss removed his hand and the ditch digger hit the tree. The boss said, "That's intelligence!"

The ditch digger went back to his hole. His friend asked, "What did he say?" "He said we are down here because of intelligence." "What's intelligence?" said the friend. The ditch digger put his hand on his face and said, "Take your shovel and hit my hand."

Sunday, April 1, 2007

“Kel Jess screamed,” My gaze didn’t waver from Griffen.
“Go save the people,” I yelled. Everyone filtered out of the burning room. Jess stayed and tried to find a way to get out over the fire to me. A timber fell amd Jess scurried across it. He was two feet away when Griffen spoke.
“If you come any closer I will shoot her,”
“What do you want,” I said glaring at him.
“The crystal, the same thing that Garados wants,”
“But my answer will be the same. I will not give you my crystal,” But a sudden move almost chaged my mind. Griffen had dropped his bow and now gripped a knife at my throat.
“How about now?”
“I still will not give up the crystal. Go ahead and kill me if you want, but you still will not have the crystal,”
A trickle of blood ran down my neck.
“No,” Jess screamed.
“I’ll be taking her,” Griffen said.
“Jess just go. I will always be with you,” His face full of anguish, Jess lept through the fire to find the others. Griffen scouped up his bow and arrow and hoisted me through a window and out onto a walk. Gripping onto my wrist, he led me down the walk. There were a few trolls who were told to watch me.
I didn’t meet up with my friends for some time, so I don’t know what they went through, but they did tell me this.
They had managed to find Jess and all of them ran down to the dungeons to let the villagers out. The stair trembled as they decende down.
“The keys,” Mathyus shouted. As he trusted them towards Kalob who just managed to grabb them, inturn unlocking as many of the cells as he could. Jess, Mathyus, and Horitori led the people out of the collapsing building. In the cells children and women were crying. Jess pushed a women out of the way as a beam came crashing from above. Everyone made it out of the castle as the last of the stones fell from the upper level.
I watched from the hill where Griffen had left me. I saw scatters of people, but then I saw our little group getting the people out of the way. But then dust grew up from that pile making it impossible to see anything. Then a strange silence filled the air. Little by little the dust settled until I could see everything once again, but our little group couldn’t be seen. I grew frantic as I searched for them.
A hand covered my mouth, and I saw Jess. He untied the bonds that the trolls had tied around my wrists before running off. He held onto me, kissing my forehead cheeks and lips. I closed my eyes letting him consol me. I began to think how I could have ever loved Horitori even a little bit.
“I wouldn’t be doing that if I were you,” I heard Griffen say. Jess turned around thrusting me behind him. “She’s my captive,”
“I don’t think so,” Kalob, Mathyus, and Horitori wrestled Griffen to the ground and bound him where I stood.
“Watch him,” Jess said to Kalob and Horitori.
“We can go home,” one of the people said.
“But we are different. What are we going to do about the ones who lost their years?” said another.
“Be thankful that you are alive,” said Horitori who had been listening.
“Its hard to be thankful when you are unable to work your own farm to feed your family,” said and old man. “I never asked fo rthis,” I knew that these people didn’t deserve this. I had to do something.
I beaganto search for the spell that would reverse this spell. I didn’t know who I did it, but Jess said that I slowly floated into the air, which made the people gasp as they stepped away from me. I twisted and turned calling out to my friends, “Circle around me, I need your power too,” But it wasn’t enough. “Bring Griffen too,” Holding onto their powers I said these words.

The spell that was said
become reversed
Return to the way they were.
Bring back their youth
Restore their health
Let them be how they were.

It was like crystal vases poping under stress. The magic spilled out over the people, shedding their coats of old for coats of new. The people were now the way that they once were. Now the slow migrationg back to their homes could begin.
Once everyone began to leave, Jess started interigating Griffen. But once he got into a temper, it was hard for him to think rationally.
“Jess,” I came up to him and held his waist. He was seething with anger and refused to look at me. “Jess,” I said more firmly. He looked at me. I touched his forehead and he began to relax. I let him go and he opened his eyes. Then I went to talk to Griffen.
He wouldn’t look me in the eyes.
“I was sent to kill you for the crystal, but at the last minute I thought it better just to threaten you. You had become my friend. But what I wanted was more powerful than the crystal, or at least that was what I had been told. The object you carried was in your bag which I have in my pocket. Take it out,” I reached forward to his cloaks pocket. I pulled out the black cloth that I had found at the village in the silver bowl. Unwrapping the black cloth, I found a golden disc.
“What does this do?”
“I don’t know personally, but the one I work for does. The only thing that she said, was that it was needed with your crystal,”
“We have to make sure that these people get back to their homes. We will have to bring you with us. Let him go, he won’t try to leave without what he was sent for,”
Even though Griffen had betrayed us, he still helped us rebuild the village that we went through to its original splender. Each of the boys used their power to help make the village beautiful again. But even though we saved this village, it only reminded me of what Garados had done, nd how I would have to protect the obcedian block forever.Jess came over and put his arms around my shoulders.
“Your not happy, anything I can do?”
“It’s just that I will forever be burdened with guarding Garados from others, that it seems almost poitless to have fun. And I still want to see if my mother is alive. She might have escaped. I told Horitori that she didn’t, but maybe I was wrong. But with this, I don’t see how I could,”
“Everythng will be fine Kel, you do realize that. We’re here for you, I promise,” I gave Jess a smile.
“But why would they want to stay and help. All of them must have other lives, all except you and Mathyus,” He let me go and joined the guys in a game. As supected, Griffen stayed. He came over to me to watch. No one trusted him any more. I didn’t want to believe that i couldn’t trust him, but I had to admit that part of me did.
“He really cares for you,” Griffen said.
“I suspect he does,”
“Kel, I’m sorry, I wish that there was another way,”
“You were only doing what you were told,” I said to him, still watching the other guys.
“Perhaps you can forgive me even though they cannot. I know that part of you sides with them,”
I turned towards Griffen, “I can try, but it might take awhile,”
“I can’t go back to the one that I work for. The only reason I did was because if I didn’t my family would pay, but I have all ready. Just from listening to the villagers I found that when Garados went through there nothing was left. I’ve lost them, and now my friends. The Huntress will just have to live without the power of the crystals,” he turned to go.

“Alexandra, the one who we met in the woods. You were working for her?”
“I told you I was forced. I loved my family so much that let her change who I am for them,” I gave him a strange look. “She gave me the ability of sight from and eagle, the strength of the bear, and stealth from the wolf. I am the ultimate hunter, but none of that matters now. I lost everything,”
“No you haven’t,” I said, “You still have one friend,” He smiled weakly and left towards his camp that he set up away from everything.
I walked into the woods to get out of the sun and noise of everyone. The air was cool and I felt safe in the long branches.
“Why did you save meKel?” Startled I turned around to see Horitori.
“It wasn’t right to leave you there,”
“Is that all?”
“No, there’s more,” he said. “Part if you loves me and couldn’t bear to leave me there,” he had his hands on my shoulders and was looking at me, but I couldn’t look at him. “I’m right,” I pulled away from him and began to walk back to the village. But I couldn’t leave.
“It was the love of a friend that I gave you,” I turned around, “Horitori I can never love you like you want me to. My heart belongs to Jess. You understnad that, but I can love you as a friend,’ I left him staring after me.
“So has she decided to join the victory game,” said Mathyus as I came out of the woods.
“I believe she is here to be with her lover,” Kalob teased. I gave a little smile but still kept my sullenness too.
“You want to tell us something,” said Griffen who came over. Everyone gave him wide berth.
“I need to find my mother, I have to know if she is alive or dead,”
“We’ll go with you,” said Mathyus,”
“You don’t have to, you must have something better to do,”
“Not really,” said Kalob.
“We might as well go now if we want to get a good distance in,” said Griffen. Everyone looked at him. “She forgave me, why can’t you?” He headed back to his camp to get ready.
“Well I suppose if we have to forgive him, I do,” Mathyus said.
“And I,” Kalob answered.
Jess hesitated, “Oh what the hell,”
“Did you here that Griffen, your friends forgive you,” he turned around and smiled. That was the first time I saw that. His eyes danced and he ran back down the hill to join us.
“There is one thing that we need to do first,” said Mathyus. We looked at him with inquisitive looks. “Food,” we all laughed.