Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jarabe de Palo

This means cough syrup stick. It is a song that we were singing in Spanish class. Well the song is by those guys. The song is Bonito. It is the first song on my music at the bottom of my blog. My friends find it annoying because it gets stuck in their heads. Here is a random thought, reading the Japanese manga from left to right is much better than reading normally. I really like it because it is challenging.

Adios PTC

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Walter for Pres

This is for all those who knows how Walter acts. I saw vote for Walter for president or something like that an my sides hurt now, like they normally do when I watch those type of things. And I have completely lost my thought. Walter is so bad. Tonight I hope Smallville and Supernatural will be on. I have only seen reruns for the last past weeks which I have taped. It is such a bummer to find out that you have taped a rerun. It just ruins the whole day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Scissor Sisters

I was at Clara's house last saturday and she showed me this really cool group called the scissor sisters. The music video was really weird, but at the same time it was cool. They remind me of the Beegee's. They sing really high in their falseto tones.

Well I have homework that I have to do. Adios.