Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Decoration

Yesterday I went over to my friend Kathy's house and helped her decorate her home for Christmas. Mostly we were moving the furniture out of the way and getting the boxes down from the upper level of the house. I stayed overnight and today I did most of the work. The tree got set up and things on her mantle and the lights in the window. I also watched the movie A Boyfriend For Christmas while there too. I enjoyed myself throughly.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Dragon Fairy

Magpie Fairy

I was looking for pictures of faeries and I saw this one. I thought that she looked very pensive.


Buenos Noches,

Hoy era una interesante dia. Nade y lei mi libro ese tuve con mi. Quiero escribir mas, pero tengo mucho hambre y cena es aqui.

Hasta Luega

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monkey Baby

I thought that this was precious.

Orange Rules

This post may sound corny and look just as bad, but I thought that everyone could do with a laugh at my pathetic rule book for eating oranges. I had an interesting talk with one of my friends about oranges and so I came up with this guide book and gave it to him. I still think that it is funny and even if it does sound dtupid, it makes someone smile.


Pre Rule : Before you eat an orange, you must ask the SU Orange men Mascot if you can eat an orange. If he says “no” then you cannot eat one. If he says “Yes” then start by following these rules.

Rule 1: You can only eat a orange that has a circumference of 10 in/ 26.5 cm. If you find one that is this size then you can eat it and continue to follow these rules. If you don’t you will have to serve the consequences. You might end up in the jail for mistreating oranges.

Rule 2: Before you eat an orange you must ask if it would like to be eaten.

Rule 3: If the orange says “Eat Me” you may take it and eat it. If it says “ Don’t eat me” leave it alone.

Rule 4: After asking the orange if it wants to be eaten, you must ask how it wants to be sliced; with a knife or with your hands.

Rule 5: If it says a “knife”, You must ask the orange what knife it wants to be cut with.

Rule 6: You must then ask the knife if it would like to be used to cut the orange.

Rule 7: If the knife says “Yes” you may use it. If it says “no”, you must tell the orange your predicament and ask it for another knife that would be willing to cut it.

Rule 8: After using the knife, you must say “Thank You”

Rule 9: If the orange says to “use your hands”, use your hands. And then say “Thank you” to your hands for pealing the orange.

Rule 10: To wash the knife or your hands, you must ask the water faucet if you can use it. If it says “ Yes” Then wash your hands. If it says “ No”then your have to ask other sinks if you can use them. If all of the sinks in your house won’t let you use them, then you must ask sinks in other parts of the world. If you cannot find any sinks that will let you wash your hands, then you must ask the hoses. Hoses can be tricky because they have there favorites. If all of the hoses in your yard say “ no you cannot use me “ then you must ask all the other hoses in the world. Then if your hands are still not washed then you must ask all the bodies of water in the world. if they say “no” as well then you will have to lick your fingers. Your tongue won’t mind as long as you say “Thank you” to it. But by then all of the sinks will let you wash your hands. So it seems as if you just wasted your time.

Rule 11 : If others are around when you have a orange, you must share with them all of the orange so you have none, or you must give all of the orange away so you only have left 1 mm left which is for you.

Rule 12: If you are older than 6, you cannot eat Clementines. Florida Oranges are for only 9-13 years old. Navel Oranges are for the teens and up to 20 years old. All of the other oranges are for everyone older than 20. But Alex Haehn is an exception she can eat any orange that she wishes as long as some rules are followed. She is also excepted because she is a friend to the Orange Men.

Rule 13: You cannot eat anymore than 3 oranges a day due to a gigantic growth in the belly size. To figure out your belly size,( if you want to grow a big belly) read this chart. It tells you how many oranges will give you a certain size in one day. ( The chart is written on the next page due to some circumstance about the looks.)

100 oranges = 100 ft
95 oranges = 95 ft
90 oranges = 90 ft
85 oranges =85 ft
80 oranges =80 ft
75 oranges =75 ft
70 oranges =70 ft
65 oranges =65 ft
60 oranges =60 ft
55 oranges =55 ft
50 oranges =50 ft
45 oranges =45 ft
40 oranges =40 ft
35 oranges =35 ft
30 oranges =30 ft
25 oranges =25 ft
20 oranges =20 ft
15 oranges =15 ft
10 oranges =10 ft
5 oranges =5 ft
4 oranges =4 ft
3 oranges =3 ft
2 oranges =2 ft
1 oranges =1 ft

Rule 14: You can only eat oranges on Tuesdays.

Rule 15: Your can only eat Oranges between the times of 2:00- 4:30. This will allow you to eat other fruits during the day with out the fruit punching each other. Otherwise you would have fruit punch.

Rule 16: You can only eat oranges with orange juice, cheese, and crackers.

Rule 17: Don’t eat a soft orange. It could be rotten.

Rule 18: Don’t eat a green orange or you will turn into a lime. It will happen also if you eat a yellow orange. If you don’t turn into that fruit, then you might turn into that color.

Rule 19: Never ever throw a orange on the ground. It will become bruised. The orange might become so mad that it will roll on you and bruise you. Or the Oranges will call 911-672-643 for being mistreated and you will get in very big trouble for being mean to the orange.

Rule 20: Oranges have personalities.Don’t forget to ask it some of these questions:

a. Where do you want to be pealed?
b. Do you want to be pealed with other oranges?
c. Are you too cold or are you too hot?
d.Would you like to become my friend?
e. Which spot is better for you? In the sun or in the refrigerator?

Questions like these might lead to a new future for you in the orange land.

Rule 21: Do not hit an orange on the floor. Because they might turn on you and roll over your foot, hand ect..........

Rule 22: Do not hit a orange because it could bite you, and you might end up in the hospital. Oranges have a strong and a deadly bite.

Rule 23: Do not eat an orange that wears a crown because you will eat a royal orange. It would be a royal pain to eat a royal orange. Not to mention a pain in the mouth. The mutant orange men will attack you and you could go to the orange jail. They will put you in jail for misuse, mistreated, unlawful eating of the king. You would have to stay in this jail for 48 hours. ( hours symbolize years in orange. 1 hour= 1 year. 2 hours= 2 years. 3,4,5 and so on.)

Rule 24: Oranges have a mean fruit punch when they get mad so stay out of the way when an grouchy orange comes by.

Rule 25: Oranges with a navel tend to be ticklish. They may become your friend or become your enemy. So be careful of the Navel Oranges, or in Orange land they may break out into a civil war. That war could even happen here on Earth.

Rule 26: Don’t underestimate an orange. For even if you don’t know it oranges are quite smart. They have an overactive imagination and that could lead to a drastic orange revolt against human kind if you disobey these laws.

Rule 27: You must say to the Orange “Are you ready to be eaten?” if it says “Yes”, it will smile at you. If it doesn’t smile at you, you must wait twenty minutes and then try again.

Rule 28: Oranges don’t like to be separated from their skin often. So make sure that before you eat the orange you ask the orange if it would like to say goodbye to its shell. Then you may eat the orange.

Rule 29: Oranges loath to be alone. So when you put them in the refrigerator, put them with other fruits. For example: Apples, Pears, and Bananas. They don’t like pineapple very much or other weird fruits like that. If you put the oranges with the fruit they don’t like you may have a fight in the fridge friuts against fruits.
Rule 30: Never put the oranges with vegetables they might eat each other to death. Or the oranges might suck out the vegetables juices out so they turn white. (This happened in a story I read called Bunnicula)

Rule 31: Beware of Captain Orange who goes around stealing our oranges so he himself can eat his fellow oranges. (He’s a bad orange. Destroying his own kind.) If you happen to find him in your fridge, just take a knife and cut him up for a snack. You might get in trouble with the King Orange, but at least he can’t steal oranges anymore.

Rule 32: If you become an orange farmer you must not grow oranges in the tropical rain forest because they will shrivel up and you would get in trouble with the Orange King for being imorange to them.

Rule 33: Please

Rule 34: Be

Rule 35: Kind

Rule 36: To

Rule 37: Oranges

Rule 38: Do not eat oranges with other fruits because they get jealous.

Rule 39: You must sing to the orange before you eat it. This will calm him down and he will want to be eaten more.

Rule 40: Do not eat orange flavored candy because they will think you like candy more than healthy fruits.

Rule 41: If you have a pet monkey don’t give him/her a orange because it will give them a really bad temper. We don’t know why, but a bad monkey is always trouble.

Rule 42: The only animal that likes to oranges is the Triple Rhino of Golapaous Isle. They eat so many oranges that the species has stayed the color Orange. They are a major attraction in the new zoo down there. You can purchase them in the zoo. But most people find there size way to minuscule. They get lost very easily. Well enough of this science lesson. Lets get back to the rules.

Rule 43: Do not use an orange when playing the game of bowling.

Rule 44: Do not eat an oranges while listen to loud music for it will get mad and scream in your ear. This loud noise hurts their delicate ears that are so tiny that there microscopic.

Rule 45: The only music oranges will listen to is Oceania. This is because this music is easy for an orange to dance to.

Rule 46: Oranges only dance on weekdays at any time. They save the weekends for going on dates.

Rule 47: Oranges don’t like being with dates because they are allergic to them. (This date is the kind you eat.)

Rule 48: Never eat an orange when listening to Aqua. It may become a deadly thing.

Rule 49: Never mistake an orange for a ball, or you just might get yourself on the ground with orange juice on you.

Rule 50: Oranges do not like it when mortals disobey these rules. They have a real problem with the fact that they have to have rules for people to live by. They find them quite ignoring. The rules are there because their last Orange King was terrified of humans, and wanted to put these rules into action. But the orange just might still have a revolt against the old dead kings son. That would be bad for him. There would be trouble in the orange realm. That is where you need to help the oranges. Making friends with them will help you enter their realm, and just then maybe you could help them bring down these rules until then, these rules stay. Maybe you can help. Here I’ll bring the portal in. Just imagine a land where everything smells like fruit and oranges talk. There are good ones and some bad ones that help the king. So you my brave wanderer must save this land before it is too late.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Car Crash

Not to worry anyone, but car crashes are not fun and I can atest to that because I was in one tonight. I am okay but I am going to be emotionally disturbed for the rest of my life. I probably won't be able to drive for awhile, because I am too scared to get behind the wheel. Maybe by wednesday I will feel better. Right now all I can do is cry and thank God that my guardian angel was watching over me with my mom and all of the people who love me. Thank You.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Self Esteem

I just realized that I hadn't posted in a really long time. I was right. So now I can start anew.

I was watching LIVE IS WILD tonight and I thought that it is really interesting that many guys feel threatened when a girl beats them at a sport. It seems to me that they have some insecurity problems that the have to deal with. Those guys that have that problem are usually threatened whenever a girl beats them. What's jsut as bad is when the girl knows it and keeps beating the guy just to get his goat up. Both cases I think delve into people's self esteem. What do you think?